Hi I think It is Saturday the 5th!!!!!!

on 7/4/14 2:38 pm - Bradenton, FL

My friend and I were supposed to leave for Chicago today but Ive been in bed with a horrible Migraine for I think 2 days.

So we r going to leave on Tuesday instead. There is a tropical storm on the East coast and I want to make sure it will be gone by the time we head out.

When Carl and I got back from Chicago in Sunday. Our second car was dead! He jumped it and droped the electronic key in the engine cimpartment and not the dealer could find it or the locksmith. I was pissed at him for being so stupid! Cause the emergency key will only unlock the drivers door and not the hatchback! I made him go back to the locksmith and have the car reprogrammed for his stupidity!!!! That cost us 200.00 

cost in pount dont buy a car with keyless start or entry!!!!!

so this month hasnt been good for us in Car repairs! 

Carla talk on im going to try to get some more zzzzzzzzzz's

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on 7/4/14 10:18 pm

Good morning Carla, 

Sorry your visit has been fraught with frustrations and extra costs. I hope the remainder of your stay and return trip will be easier.  

I am up early with a throbbing pain in my knee and back. At least i slept through the night without needing more medication for pain. I seem to be able to go about 6 hours or so and take less to keep this pain managed and keep moving. 

Claire is still in the throws of a brutal gout attach. I am gladci am strong enough to do more because she got it in her knee this time and can barely walk to the bathroom let alone cook for herself.  Poor thing nearly fell on Thursday night trying to get up the stairs to go to bed. The double bad news is i am not allowed to drive yet (pain meds and ability to lift foot on and off the pedals.) I am hoping she is able to get to the car today and take me to the store. I forgot to by coffee at the grocery last week and have just enough to get through today. I am not a happy camper without my coffee.  Lol .

Had a nice quiet holiday. Ordered pizza, chicken wings and great salad for a treat last night. Lots of leftovers.  Also enjoying the Edible Arrangement Claire's son sent me on Thursday as a get well gift. The fruit iscso fresh and of course the chocolate covered strawberries werr my favorite and didn't have to share because chocolate makes Claire's gout worse (that wasn't nice of me to say ). 

Vicki, i hope you and Butch feel better soon. Judy, i hope you get some down time over the weekend. I am sorry i can't keep the details on all the other lovely OFF family. I am in the anesthesia fog (lasts me about 3 months after surgery ) nd my pain med is kicking in, so i will just say i wish you all a good weekend. I do check in everyday but many days have nothing much to say so.... 

Blessings to all. Will check in during the day to see how you are all doing.  Hugs to all. 


on 7/4/14 10:18 pm

Good morning Carla, 

Sorry your visit has been fraught with frustrations and extra costs. I hope the remainder of your stay and return trip will be easier.  

I am up early with a throbbing pain in my knee and back. At least i slept through the night without needing more medication for pain. I seem to be able to go about 6 hours or so and take less to keep this pain managed and keep moving. 

Claire is still in the throws of a brutal gout attach. I am gladci am strong enough to do more because she got it in her knee this time and can barely walk to the bathroom let alone cook for herself.  Poor thing nearly fell on Thursday night trying to get up the stairs to go to bed. The double bad news is i am not allowed to drive yet (pain meds and ability to lift foot on and off the pedals.) I am hoping she is able to get to the car today and take me to the store. I forgot to by coffee at the grocery last week and have just enough to get through today. I am not a happy camper without my coffee.  Lol .

Had a nice quiet holiday. Ordered pizza, chicken wings and great salad for a treat last night. Lots of leftovers.  Also enjoying the Edible Arrangement Claire's son sent me on Thursday as a get well gift. The fruit iscso fresh and of course the chocolate covered strawberries werr my favorite and didn't have to share because chocolate makes Claire's gout worse (that wasn't nice of me to say ). 

Vicki, i hope you and Butch feel better soon. Judy, i hope you get some down time over the weekend. I am sorry i can't keep the details on all the other lovely OFF family. I am in the anesthesia fog (lasts me about 3 months after surgery ) nd my pain med is kicking in, so i will just say i wish you all a good weekend. I do check in everyday but many days have nothing much to say so.... 

Blessings to all. Will check in during the day to see how you are all doing.  Hugs to all. 


on 7/4/14 10:19 pm

Must have hit the button twice.  Sorry for the double post. Guess better than no post. Lol

on 7/4/14 10:55 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and Francine and all my sistas!


Got a couple of early birds today. So sorry about the bad headache and car repairs Carla. And so sorry for you situation Francine. It will get better with time. Butch's knee is so much better now. Maybe not 100%, but definitely better than before. 

We are up and getting breakfast together. We're going to the wildlife ranch to see the animals this morning. Somehow Benny got it in his head that we're also going to ride horses there. I don't know where that came from. I guess the word "ranch".  Anyway I hope he's not disappointed in our trip since he's the main reason we're going. 

We had lots of fireworks going off around here last night. We are fortunate to be able to sit out on the front deck and see them going of all across the lake. It's a good show, but it scares my little Patty Kate time death. Of course all of our weekender neighbors are here and the fireworks were going off well past midnight. In fact I got up at 3 a.m. to let Patty Kate out and some fool was still popping fire crackers! 

Today we are firing up the smoker and fixing brisket and a whole smoked chicken. I'm making potato salad,  baked beans, corn on the cob, and cherry cobbler for our dinner. I also bought a big watermelon which I need to ice down in thecooler before we leave. 

Well we gotta get ready now. Love you all!


on 7/5/14 10:16 am - Cibolo, TX


We had a great time at the Wildlife Ranch this morning. Butch elected to stay home and start the meats cooking in the smoker.  (He did NOT have a drink all day!  I'll give the man credit: he knows when he's in the dog house!  LOL!)  We got to the ranch around 10 a.m., a little later than I wanted, but it was still cool enough this morning that we had a great time riding around with the windows down, looking at and feeding the animals.  Budder and Benny both got to get out of their car seats while we were touring (the speed limit is 5 mph throughout the park) and they loved that!  We were all done with lunch and everything by 1 p.m., and boy, were we glad we went early.  The line of cars to get into the ranch was a mile long at 1 p.m. and it was getting really, really HOT!  

So we came home and most people got to take a nap.  Not all of us, mind you.  Some of us stayed awake and posted pictures on FB, and prepped dinner, and did other chores.  But that's okay.  It's just after 7 p.m. now, and I'm in my jammies and ready for bed.  I have a new book to read, so I'm good.  

BTW, there is NOTHING on our agenda for tomorrow AT ALL!  I'm going to binge on TV shows and cross stitch all day.

Love you ladies!


Patricia R.
on 7/5/14 12:41 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning Carla and OFF,

Oh my goodness, I was so tired last night.  The zoo was wonderful.  Huge, but wonderful.  Chris noticed I'm moving better than I was before.  The zoo is built on a hill, and just to enter it, you have to take an escalator, or elevator.  I believe the Pittsburgh Zoo and Aquarium is the best zoo I've been to.  Got to walk under the tank the polar bear swims in, and watch him from underneath.  Pretty cool.  

Then, we took a very short train ride to the ballpark.  Phillies lost, but we had fun.  The weather was perfect.  The ballpark is on one side of one river.  After the game, we decided to walk back to Chris' hotel, where my car was.  It was about a mile and half, across the one bridge, across the peninsula, then as we crossed the second bridge, the fireworks were about to start, on the river.  There had been a regata so all these boats were on the river.  There was a cool breeze, and a nice fireworks show.  Chris and Casey had to go back to New York today, so we met for breakfast at Bob Evans.  Now, I'm back at my hotel room, waiting for Sean to wake up.  I'm going to go over and hang out with him today.  He's got Utley.  I miss both my babies.

I head back to Michigan tomorrow.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 7/5/14 4:04 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone.....

Carla....so sorry you have another Migraine. You seem to get a lot of those. I wish you safe travels on Tuesday. Hope you miss the storm!!! I guess you really have had a bunch of car repairs. Very expensive ones too. 

Fran....Sorry about your pain....OUCH!! I feel bad that Claire is dealing with gout. I had a friend that had that. He was so miserable. It seemed to last forever! I am praying you both feel better soon. Hope you can get out and get some coffee!!!! I have always wanted a edible arrangement. They look so good. Chocolate Stawberries...YUMMO!!

Vickie....I am hope you have a great time at the Wild Life Ranch. I am sure there will be plenty there to keep Benny entertained!! I wish I could come over for dinner. You are making the perfect meal!!! I hope your shoulder is feeling better today too!!

Trish....I am glad you enjoyed the day at the Zoo with your family. It sounds like it was really great! Sorry your Phillies lost. Enjoy your day with Sean today!! 

As for me....feeling better today....finally!! I went out and finished a puzzle with a couple ladies earlier. We started up a new one and I did some on that too. I  got my computer to run so here I am!! All my grandchildren and both daughters contacted me yesterday. Friends invited to a BBQs and the fireworks but just couldn't do it. Yesterday was not a good day pain wise. I really did enjoy my day. Spent some time with the ladies here. I did more reading and sat outside a bit. Then I watched some TV and just relaxed. 

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!

Prayers for our special OFF family!

Much love and bunches of hugs to all.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 7/5/14 4:07 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry you've got a migraine. So your car is completely keyless? My car has keyless entry but you still need the key to drive. Plus, you can use the key to open the doors. Hmm ... think I like the option of using the key when needed.

Vickie, glad everyone is feeling better today. My back was really hurting today for some reason plus I've been having pain in my right leg, down the front below my knee. Don't know what that's from. 

We had a "fun" night at work last night. Everything was going OK, I was about to try to get some stuff done for Sunday, when one coworker noticed the advice page for the other paper we publish hadn't been done. That's usually done by the dayside editors ... someone dropped the ball. This was discovered at 10:30 p.m. ... deadline is 11:15 p.m. We had to throw that page together, look for all the components. Then the editor in charge last night found out she left off a jump from the front page (I found that) and had to reconfigure the jump page. So we were about 15-20 minutes late getting out. And I didn't get anything done for Sunday's pages, so I have a lot to do tonight.

So I need to get in the shower and get going. Got eight pages to produce, am in pain and really tired. Going to be a long night.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 7/5/14 5:11 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...Its 5 o'clock somewhere...LOL Yes I am having a drink right now!!! LOL I think I deserve one!!!! These IDIOTS here in ROMPER ROOM just do not give up on leaving us alone on our time off!!!!!!! WTH is wrong with them???? One calls this morning demanding Rick put the hose back on so he can water his flowers "among other things". I told Rick if his "other things" include washing his new car he is in for a rude awaking!!!! So Rick being the shall I call him a jerk? that he is right now for doing this? Went over there to put a hose on and the tenant comes out and tells him he wants to "wash his car!!!" Rick told him NO YOU CAN'T WASH YOUR CAR!!!!!!! I AM THE MANAGER HERE AND I CAN'T WASH MINE HERE!!!!!!!! See if he listens...we catch him washing his car the hose comes off!!!!!!! They do NOT pay the water bill here and it is IN their lease to NOT let the water run for long periods of time...no washing cars etc...OMG!!!!!!!! Do we need to hit them over their heads???????? BANG A GONG????? Yeah I know there is a song...LOL Then there is a rumor out that the tenant that has the kid here bought him a slip and slide for his birthday that is the 10th...IF she did buy him one OMG I WILL CALL THE COPS ON HER!!!! And yes she did sign up for the BBQ Monday!!!!!!! She is going to bring some chips...and I bet you it is a SNACK size bag!!!!! That is usually what she brings to bingo for her treat. YEAH!!!!!! You read it right!!!

Anyhow that is it for me...sorry to be a *itch but that is how my day is going...

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


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